Lyft Scooter Helmet Design

San Francisco is allowing the number of electric scooters in the city to double from 1,250 to 2,500 meaning that if every scooter is used once a day, every other day a person is sent to the ER with a serious injury.

Thousands more electric scooters could descend on San Francisco streets the fall of 2019, as a year long pilot program finishes up and the city considers whether to allow more companies to operate here.

Eleven companies, including the two (Skip and Scoot) whose fleets are already in the city on a trial basis, applied for permits this week.

Applicants could receive permission to operate between 1,000 and 2,500 scooters apiece, according to Benjamin Barnett, spokesman for the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency.

That could mean as many as 27,500 scooters on the streets — one for every 32 San Francisco residents — though Barnett couldn’t comment on the likelihood of all being approved. This would average 5.5 people a day would be expected to be to be admitted to the ER a day for scooter based injuries.

This project was developed during my Sophomore year in the Fall of 2019

Process Journal


The Fjord Outrigger


CAD Drafting